“Never underestimate your adversary,
former President Bill Clinton
Democrats celebrated throughout the recent Democratic Convention in Chicago … many already predicting Kamala Harris to win in November, perhaps in a landslide.
On a personal level, she appears to be genuinely grateful for the support she has received since President Biden withdrew from the …
Every choice comes with a consequence. Once you make a choice, you must accept responsibility. You cannot escape the consequences of your choices, whether you like them or not.”
Roy T. Bennett
The Democratic Party is fast approaching its own Rubicon, or point of no return. While Trump has been anointed by …
“The American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border … and someone running for president ought to try and get the problem solved, as opposed to saying, ‘Hey, save that problem! Don’t solve it! Let me take credit for solving it later.’”
Republican Senator Mitt Romney
The …
“The debt is being cynically exploited by the far right, with collusion of the Democrat establishment, to undermine what remains of social programs, public education, unions, and, in general, remaining barriers to corporate tyranny.”
Noam Chomsky
The new Republican House majority has staked out a number of goals, a few admirable and …
“Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves.”
D. H. Lawrence
An imperative to the health and survivability of a democracy are both open, free and fair elections and public faith …
“A wise and frugal government …”
Thomas Jefferson
With the results of the 1992 election now a fait-accompli, President Clinton finds himself faced with the same type of hostile Congress as did his two predecessors. And, while there have been the predictable, post-election peace overtures from both the White House and the …