” the rancor and suspicion between the parties has gotten worse instead of better.”

President Obama (January 2016)


While President Obama lamented on the increasing polarization during his Administration, he needs only to look in the mirror. His demonizing those who disagree with him, unwillingness to compromise other than on his terms and failure to reach out to Republicans, perhaps spending time trying to get to know them on a personal basis has been a major contributor to the rancor.

With a Democratically-controlled Congress, in concert with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, he engineered passage of controversial legislation, most notably the Affordable Care Act (which no one read before the vote), with no Republican support and on which proposed GOP amendments/compromises were dead-on-arrival.
Meanwhile, Congressional Republicans made it known on day one of the Obama Administration their goal was to make him a one-term president, outright opposed most of his legislative proposals and futilely voted 57 (and counting) times to repeal Obamacare without offering any viable alternative contributed equally to the current gridlock.

However, these outcomes are merely symptoms of why Washington is increasingly seen as dysfunctional, unresponsive to and out-of-touch with the average American.

A few changes could go a long way toward eliminating the polarization and gridlock which permeates Washington and many state capitals.

  • Eliminate Gerrymandering in drawing Congressional Districts – According to a 2015 Pew Research Poll while 39% of registered voters identify as Independents, Libertarians, Constitutionals, Greens and another 6% listed as undeclared; only 32% identify as Democrats and 23% as Republicans. Yet, redistricting bodies are made up exclusively of Republicans and Democrats. Not only is 45% of the electorate intentionally excluded from this process, but preservation of incumbent and/or party seats is paramount. Require redistricting bodies be reflective of the party registration in each state and that district lines are geographically coherent never be drawn to favor any individual or party!
  • Eliminate Closed Primaries – As Democratic and Republican activists dominate closed primary processes, the most radical candidates frequently become their party’s nominees. With limited third party ballot access in most states, a more extreme Democratic or Republican is ultimately elected. Require all primaries to be open, allowing all registered voters to participate in any primary race they choose!
  • Overturn Citizens-United – The Supreme Court ruled money is speech; corporations are people and removed disclosure requirements and with no regard for the corporate shareholders or union members who may disagree with such contributions. While corporations/unions are legal “persons” for contract purposes, they are not natural people for whom the First Amendment was intended to protect. Also, under “Citizens” otherwise illegal contributions can be made without fear of disclosure. Restrict non-natural persons from donating, directly or indirectly, to political campaigns. Allow all US citizens (only) to make unlimited contributions, subject to all such donations being published on the Internet at least 14-days before the funds can be used!
  • Eliminate the Power of the Seniority System in Congress – The Constitution permits the House and Senate to make their own rules, yet seniority systems empower the “leadership” to control everything from committee assignments to proposed legislation permitted to be voted on, clearly disenfranchising other members of Congress and effectively undermining the concept of one-man/one-vote. This system also penalizes members whose votes, including those specifically representing their constituents, which run amok of their party leaders. Permit Congress leaderships to maintain order within their respective bodies, but specifically enable all Representatives and Senators to propose legislation and have it voted on and explicitly deny the leaderships from penalizing any member for voting their conscience or the wishes of their constituents!
  • Enact Term Limits – The Founding Fathers envisioned a system under which citizens would enter elective government service for a limited period of time and then return to their homes as civilians. Yet, many members of Congress serve for decades. People should not be permitted to serve more than 12 years in the House and/or Senate!

Until these or similar changes are made, it is likely the divisiveness which has increased dramatically during the Clinton, Bush-43 and Obama presidencies is likely to become exacerbated in the future to the detriment of the American people and their way of life!