Our Cowardly Washington Elite

“Sadly, too many politicians in Washington lack the courage to do something to fix our problems.  They are worried about the political implications of making the hard choices we so desperately need …”

Matt Salmon

On January 19th, the Federal Government reached its authorized borrowing limit, a staggering $31.381 trillion.  Technically, …

When Will Congress Begin to Act Responsibly?

“The debt is being cynically exploited by the far right, with collusion of the Democrat establishment, to undermine what remains of social programs, public education, unions, and, in general, remaining barriers to corporate tyranny.”

Noam Chomsky

The new Republican House majority has staked out a number of goals, a few admirable and …

We Need a Civics Education Again. Pass the Civics Secures Democracy Act (Guest Commentary)

This is the first of what will hopefully be many insightful and reasoned guest commentaries addressing a variety of political, social and other important issues affecting America and Americans

In any competition, there must be a common set of standards used to create a fair and transparent battle. For our representative …
