The Reality of Reversing Inflation

“For every complex problem there is a simple solution, and it is wrong.”.
H.L. Mencke
 On the campaign trail, Donald Trump preached a steady diet of simplistic remedies for the kitchen-table concerns and complex challenges affecting so many Americans.  With the Democrats seemingly incapable of providing credible alternatives, voters naively swallowed Trump’s …

The Presidency is All About Character

“Never underestimate your adversary,
former President Bill Clinton
Democrats celebrated throughout the recent Democratic Convention in Chicago … many already predicting Kamala Harris to win in November, perhaps in a landslide.
On a personal level, she appears to be genuinely grateful for the support she has received since President Biden withdrew from the …

The Democrats Biden Conundrum

“I believe I’m the best qualified to govern and I think I’m the best qualified to win, but there are other people who could beat Trump, too.”
Joe Biden
 This week’s Republican convention witnesses the coronation of Donald Trump despite having proven he is unfit to return to the presidency.
During and since …

For Biden … it’s Show Time!

“the time is now and the place is here and … there are no second chances”
Jeanette Winterson
The most important date of this year’s presidential campaign is just a week away when President Biden and former President Trump faceoff in a debate hosted by CNN, where they will not be allowed …

Congressional Allegiances in Question

"The only thing for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do noting!"

Edmund Burke


Tragically, the Republican Party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Reagan, to which my parents belonged their entire lives, has for all practical purposes ceased to exist. 

Today, the majority of Republicans in both the House …

What is His Ultimate Goal?

“The American people are suffering as a result of what’s happening at the border … and someone running for president ought to try and get the problem solved, as opposed to saying, ‘Hey, save that problem!  Don’t solve it!  Let me take credit for solving it later.’”

Republican Senator Mitt Romney

The …

Trump’s America After Me Campaign

“Since narcissists deep down feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s fault.”
M. Scott Peck

Lest anyone doubt presidential wannabee Donald Trump’s priorities, his rhetoric makes it crystal clear addressing such critical issues …

Trump in His Own Words

"I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else's brain can ever tell me."

Donald Trump

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump spoke the following words, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will …

A Danger of Textualism

                                    “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings,”

Article I – Section 5

United States Constitution

For textualists, the embarrassing and potentially destructive circuses presently on display in the House of Representatives and Senate may be perfectly acceptable as the Constitution permits each chamber to establish its own rules.  Its drafters …

Trump’s Fantasies Are A Danger to Our Republic

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan

There seem to be two groups still living in Trump's fantasyland.

The first includes all but twenty-odd Republican members of Congress who can’t utter the words, “Biden won.”  They’ve placed loyalty to a narcissistic demigod above their …

Prop 187 … An Ill-advised Solution

A Nation of Immigrants

“All of us … are descended from immigrants”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

In the days immediately following the grounding of the “Golden Venture” off Jacob Riis Park, a great deal of attention was focused on the plight of the Chinese refugees who had spent thousands of dollars and risked their lives to …
