“Every 25 seconds, someone in America is arrested for drug possession.”
Human Rights Watch and the ACLU
America’s War on Drugs dates back to 1971 and is estimated to have cost our nation more than $1 trillion, sent millions of people to prison for low-level and non-violent offenses, and seriously eroded Constitutional-protected …
“Trump demands that government actors pledge loyalty to him, as opposed to the law or to the Constitution”
Rick Pildes
Donald Trump’s rants claiming undocumented immigrants are all recently released criminals from foreign prisons and mental institutions and “poisoning the blood” of Americans and declaring of Haitian immigrants, “They’re eating the dogs. …
'Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That's my worldview.'"
Speaker Mike Johnson
Newly-minted Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has made it clear his actions are driven by his faith and looks to the Gospels to form policy positions. Echoing evangelical and Christian Nationalists ideologies, he …
“Public confidence in the integrity of the Government is indispensable to faith in democracy; and when we lose faith in the system, we have lost faith in everything we fight and spend for.”
Adlai Stevenson
America’s 244-year experiment in representative democracy and the freedoms it has bestowed on its citizens has endured …
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1903) … although often attributed to Voltaire
“Anti-Woke” rhetoric has become the centerpiece of conservative politics and given license for subtle, and sometimes not-so-subtle, demonization of and discrimination targeting non-straight (LGBTQ) …
“The tyranny of the minority is infinitely more odious and intolerable and more to be feared than that of the majority.”
President William McKinley
Florida Governor and presidential wannabee Ron DeSantis’ anti “Woke” campaign is a series of undemocratic solutions in search of problems and “red meat” for GOP and MAGA conservatives. …
"Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong."
James Bryce
It is fitting on the 246th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence to reflect on what it means to be an American patriot.
Survey any random group …
Be Careful What You Wish For
“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”
Margaret J. Wheatley
Last week, to the dismay of Democrats, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, ending a women constitutional right for an abortion. The Court’s …
“Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects”
America’s political system was built on the canons of democracy, equality and liberty. Yet, while each is vital to a free society, they are unique and strange bedfellows, frequently at odds with …
“It is harder to preserve than obtain liberty.”
The past decade has witnessed an alarming trend emerging on the American political landscape. Activist forces on both the left and the right have become increasingly outspoken in their efforts to justify the limitation or surrender of fundamental rights in the name of …