"Don't talk to me that way."
Donald Trump (November 26, 2020)
While answering reporter’s questions for the first-time since the election, President Trump went on an angry tirade about massive voter fraud, horrible Republican governors and state election officials who certified accurate vote totals showing Joe Biden won and then falsely claimed, “I did win by a tremendous amount.”
As Reuters Jeff Mason pressed him on whether he would concede once the Electoral College votes to elect Biden as the next president, Trump interrupted, even as the reporter attempted apologize, “Don’t talk to me that way. You’re just a lightweight. I’m the president of the United States. Don’t ever talk to the president that way.”
This from a man who has constantly demeaned, talked down to, insulted and name called his primary opponents, Democrats, Administration officials he’s fired, BLM protesters, immigrants, career civil servants who place loyalty to their oath to the constitution above loyalty to any politician, members of the media and his opponent in the recent election.
No person deserves to be subjected to such unwarranted and childish verbal abuse from any other person, even a president.
Trump, whose only concerns appear to be overturing the will of the voters and more time on the golf course, has gone AWOL where COVID-19 is concerned, a G-20 meeting he ducked out on to play yet another round of golf, the ASEAN economic summit, providing president-elect Biden with timely transition resources and access to federal departments. However, he has managed to tap out more than 4,000 Tweets, pardon a convicted felon and gut a number of environmental and immigration regulations.
Fortunately for America, the White House’s resident “lightweight” will soon turn over the keys to a more civil and compassionate administration, one focused on helping all Americans rather soothing a president’s narcissistic ego and pandering to an unquestioning “base”.